ECR360 - LiDar, Spatial Data, and Digital Imaging

Vegetation Encroachment Management

Let us help you quickly view and catalog the highest risk areas for your power-line corridor.
Vegetation Encroachment

Vegetation management on power-line corridors is crucial to delivering safe and uninterrupted electricity. ECR 360 can deliver the intelligence you need from a LiDAR point cloud. We will classify any vegetation within the specified distance to the existing power conductor and supply you with 3D polygons of the encroachment. See all your encroachments easily on both the map and LiDAR view!

Deliverables of our Vegetation Encroachment Management

Classified LAS/LAZ file, danger points SHP file, map display of danger points, obstruction report.

Check out ECR360's other LiDar and digital image mapping services for north Florida and south Georgia

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